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The Best Aquatic Home pages
I will list here all aquatic personal / professional
home pages that I have found to be helpful, pleasing and
informative. Each link will have a brief description of the
page and any comments I have about it. Each link will be
put in a category that best describes its content, some may
be in more than one. Please visit them as everyone works
hard on their page and are proud of their accomplishments.
Please Email me
if you would like to be added to this list.
Aquatic Plants
We ship fresh water aquatic plants to aquarium enthusiasts worldwide at a
wholesale price. Live water plant delivery is always guaranteed and free!
Welcome to Aqua Botanic
a site dedicated to the care and upkeep of aquatic plants in the aquarium. Take a trip to the Library to find detailed information on a variety of different related subjects, and to the Gallery to see some of the best planted aquarium pictures on the internet from both experienced and every day enthusiasts.
Aquarium Drift-wood and Plants.
A live plant supplier, with a good selection and
customer service. I have purchased some of my plants from
Aquatic Greenhouse.
Another on-line site to purchase aquatic plants. This
site also has photos, links and a FAQ section.
Tropical Plants Homepage.
A great site, featuring all the information and
pictures on aquatic plants.
Aquarium Geographic....The Homepage.
The original Cyber-Habitat for biotope aquarium
Commercial sites
African NorthWest
We sell tropical fresh water fish , reptiles , small animals , plants and dry goods.
Tropical fish, goldfish, koi, betta fish, fancy guppies, cichlids, aquarium plants, puffers, crabs, frogs and many other inhabitants of freshwater aquariums for Sale online and shipped directly to your door. This site also has lots of fish pictures and information about keeping, breeding, and caring for fish, preventing diseases, and curing sick fish.
Aquatic Visions
Aquatic Visions is based in Pennsylvania, and our many distributors nation wide is the reason we are the pet store of the future. To make this statement a true one we offer you an opportunity to make a hobby into a high profit Home Business. It is a pleasure to provide animal lovers with the service and education of the care and welfare of there new pets. And it is an equal pleasure to have you join our team in becoming the pet store of the future.
Doug's Delta Guppies
I have been active in guppies for a number of years and
have successfully raised show quality stock. Explore our Guppy site and learn about our stock and collections. You can even order on-line!
Live Tropical Fish Shipped Directly to Your Door!
Fish2U.Com is the Internet home of Quality Aquarium and Goldfish shipped directly to your home!
Flying Fish Express
We have the
largest online catalog of marine fish and invertebrates married to a content
rich web site with an extensive knowledge base (The Hobby Q & A) hosted by
Michael Palleta and Bob Fenner.
Jehm Company Aquarium Products.
We primarily sell to the "dedicated" hobbyist / breeder (the one who has 12 to 100 aquariums in their basement!)
We sell bulk foods (including Brine Shrimp Eggs) and unique or specialty products not readily available elswhere.
Our Web Site will be added to in the near future with many new products at discounted prices. We will also be carrying the HBH, and Zeigler line of foods.
Mail Order sources
All of these companies offer a wide selection of pet
products at a very good price. I have ordered from most of
them and I have no problems to report.
That Fish Place
General supplies, My favorite.
Pet Warehouse
General supplies and some live plant collections.
Majestic pet
General supplies.
Aquatic related
The ON-line Bar
A site to help ease the everyday tension of keeping tropical fish. Here you will find something to WET your whistle!
Pet lovers web site.
A site for all pets, it contains a section on
Not directly aquarium related, but contains lots
interesting items about marine life.
Reference sites
The Portuguese association for the study and
conservation of the Elasmobranchs (Sharks and Rays etc.).
This site has photos and all the information you need on
these wonderful and misunderstood creatures.
Fish Information Service
This is the site to go to when your looking for help or
just want to do a little research. The best on the
Master Index Of Freshwater
A huge reference site with indexes to just about any
freshwater articles written, also fish profiles and
Thiel Aquatech
The most comprehensive saltwater site on the internet, it
covers all aspects of fishkeeping and also has the largest
library on the mini reef. Information also about freshwater
Link sites
Aquaria Page
O' Limks
The name says it all.
Find a Fishy.
Over 50 fish links and counting. Here you will Find lots of links to those hard to find fish and fish facts.
Fish Link
The ultimate site for links devoted to the aquarium hobby,
with a huge section devoted to personal home pages. SUBMIT
Pet directory
a link site that offers not only fish, but every kind of exotic animal you might want to find.
to links page one.
Navagation panel.