Individual Fish Description Page


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This page will give a completely detailed profile of the selected fish, from A to Z. The profiled fish will be chosen randomly by Badman, and will come from the complete genre of tropical fish. I will try to up-date the profile on a monthly basis. If you have a specific fish you want profiled please vote for it in the favorite fish poll on the main index page.




Tetraodon nigroviridis


    The order Tetraodontiformes contains Porcupinefish, Triggerfish, Boxfish and the Pufferfish are almost entirely found in the tropics and subtropics. Only a small amount are found in fresh and brackish water and they all belong to the pufferfish family. One of the more common of the "rare fish" The Green puffer needs special care and should only be kept by the more advanced hobbyist. This fish is usually wrongly named Tetraodon fluviatilis.

Quick stats:

    size:up to 6 3/4 inches
    tank:48 inches
    strata:bottom, middle
    pH:7.5 to 8.5
    Hardness:medium to medium hard
    temperature:75o to 82o f



Common name:

    Green Puffer, Puffer.

    Tropical Eastern Asia, from then coastal regions of Indochina and the Philippines to India. Found in fresh and brackish waters.

General Body Form:
    Very thick set and shaped like a blunt club. They have protruding eyes and a very broad forehead. The Caudal fin is fan shaped and there are no Ventral fins. The body is somewhat covered with small spines and the skin has a leathery texture.

    The color is variable depending on age and the origin of the fish. In mature specimens the top and head area is marked with large Brown or Black spots. The spots on the side are smaller and also round in shape. The body color between the spots is a beautiful Emerald Green color which makes a nice contrast to the dark spots. The bright Green color is subdued in younger specimens. The fins are semi transparent with a slight Yellow tint to them.

    The most recognizable trait of the Puffer is its' ability to inflate a sac like area of the gut with water or air to inflate themselves into the shape of a ball. Most puffers are undemanding in their care and many of the Brackish species can be acclimated to hard, alkaline water fresh water. Tetraodon nigroviridis is one of these species. They are not hard to feed and usually will accept all types of flake, frozen and live food. In the wild they feed on small mollusks and invertebrates. The Green puffer will come to recognize its owner and will get excited when you approach. The tank set-up should contain plants and rockwork for hiding as well as open areas for swimming. They are best kept singly or with other large tough fish.


    A coastal area brackish set-up. A species tank.

    Not a lot is known of their breeding and it probably can only be accomplished in Brackish water. During courtship the pair will swim around each other just above the bottom of the tank. Pale clear eggs are laid tightly packed on rock surfaces. The male will protect the brood and uses his body to cover the eggs. The eggs hatch in about a week and the male will transfer the tadpole like fry to shallow pits and continue to guard them. The fry can be hard to raise and feeding them can be difficult, you should try a variety of small food including Brine shrimp nauplii and observe which type they are eating. The mortality rate on the spawn is usually high.



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