Fish Profiles

Individual Fish Description Page

Tropical Fish

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This page will give a completely detailed profile of the selected fish, from A to Z. The profiled fish will be chosen randomly by Badman, and will come from the complete genre of tropical fish. I will try to up-date the profile on a monthly basis. If you have a specific fish you want profiled please E-MAIL ME and I will try to fill your request.




Pantodon Buchholzi


  1. Order: Osteoglossiformes
  2. Sub-order: Pantodonitidae
  3. Family: Pantodonitidae
  4. Genera: Buchholzi

Common name.



From the Congo river basin to the Niger, in tropical West Africa. Occurring mostly in stagnant water, such as rain forest pools, with dense vegetation

General body form.

The body is shaped like a boat with the top and bottom almost flat, so its profile almost seems rectangular. The sides are convex and the nostrils protrude like little tubes.
The most distinctive feature of the fish are its fins; the long Pectoral and ventral fins are extended like wings. The Dorsal is small rounded and set back on the body. Both the Anal and Caudal fins are elongated like flags.The Anal fin of the male is notched and the females is rounded. Their mouths are quite large


They are Drab, Grayish Green with a Brownish tinge. The rays of all the fins have alternate dark and pale rings, the Pectoral fins are Blackish with a White edge. A dark band runs from the top of the head through the eye area to the lower jaw.


Like a typical surface-hanging fish, the butterflyfish takes its food from the waters surface. Its large Pectoral fins can help it leap out of the water to catch flying insects. Pantodon should be kept in a tank of clear soft and acidic water, with a large surface area and not too deep. The plant material should be more sparse than in its home area, with little or no floating types. The Butterflyfish eats live foods of all kinds and larger specimens will take floating mealworms. They can also learn to accept many of the freeze dried food products now available.
They are very interesting, but due to their high price and specialized needs, the novice Aquarist should think carefully before buying one.


They have been bred in the home Aquaria. Lowering the water to only a couple of inches in depth for a few weeks and then refilling the tank with fresh soft acidic water and raising the temperature can stimulate spawning. Spawning is preceded by the male chasing the female and actually raising himself on top of her.
The eggs when laid are clear and after about ten hours turn very dark and float to the surface. The butterfly fish spawn over many days so the eggs should be removed with a spoon to a separate tank with identical water conditions. They hatch in about two days and the young are difficult to raise excepting only the smallest of live food.


Tropical Fishl

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